The first's from Flowtown, on how mobile is shaping the way social media is consumed. It’s interesting to see that from these stats, 25% or more than 100 million Facebook users access from a mobile phone, and those who do, are twice as active on social networks compared to people accessing from a computer! Plus, in January 2010, more than double the number of users accessed Facebook from their mobiles, over those in 2009.
The 35-54 year old bracket is the most active mobile social users!
Full size image can be found here.
The second's also from Flowtown, on how teenagers use mobile phones in the US. Some of the key findings from their research is that 75% of all teenagers in the US now have a mobile phone, while almost 35% of teenagers send over 100 text messages per day, one in three people text while driving and one in two talk on a mobile phone while at the wheel. But only 25% are using social networks on their phones, with females still being the highest users of mobile phones.
Full size image can be found here.
The third one's another great infographic by Pingdom, this time on Instant Messaging. There are some pretty crazy stats in there like the 47 Billion daily instant messages sent, or the 40 million simultaneous logged in windows messenger users. I see a lot of media plans buying Windows Messenger banners, it’s a popular (and pretty cheap) buy, which is clearly due to the serious amount of impressions they’d serve every day!
Full size image can be found here.
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