And was inevitably reminded there's no getting away from the fact that it's the smaller Independents in the Advertising Industry that are showing the rest of us the way forward. While you can't exactly say they're bucking the recession. With their lean approach allowing a business plan of flexing to their business needs, they're definitely in a better place to deal with it and remain busier too. Enjoying the vibe you get from a busy shop over the skellingtons to be found rattling around the corridors of larger agencies continuing to cut staff. Many of the smaller agencies are quite simply feeling more positive about the outside world. And there are blue skies to be found from the views from some of the smaller windows that overlook ad land. A view I'm regularly seeing at first hand myself.
I also believe it's where the industry is heading and one that's here to stay. One arrived at by bigger agencies being forced to substantially downsizing or the great and the good seeing the current appeal and benefits of the Independents over the big boys. But lets face it, in reality it's been heading that way for sometime now and all the recession has done is to of made it all that more apparent, speeding up the process along the way. Even when the economy does inevitably pick it's self up off the floor after going 12 rounds with Iron Man Mike Tyson. It's a direction I don't expect to it waver from. They'll be too many clients and staff for that matter, enjoying the benefits that a larger number of smaller Independent's bring. A greater choice of those smaller fee agencies where more senior staff are now enjoying having a greater say.
And from a creativity point of view, in a paradox to what you might expect. The leaner and meaner Independents ability to weather the storm better may well lead to a growth in their numbers, one that was supported by the clients. Inevitably bringing greater competition and more niche agencies. And from there, dare I say it...the possibility of enjoy that long overdue creative Indian Summer. Basking in a creative return to form the UK Industry can be proud of.
It may well be the only summer we get. But if we do it's one I'd take over a tan any day. Told you every cloud has a silver lining. Now let's just hope I'm right. :-)
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