Not so long ago as an Art Director working with a Copywriter you were charged with the sole responsibility of answering the creative brief for the development and creation of a well crafted, successful advertisement in whatever guise was deemed most appropriate. And this is still the case today. But where 'best of breed' was a philosophy the majority of ad agencies could afford to follow with budgets that allowed for this. With dedicated specialists filling dedicated positions. Art Director. Copywriter. Designer. Artworker. And never the two shall meet. How many of these roles today now blur into one?
Has 'Master of One' become 'Jack of All' and are we now delivering a weaker product for it? But more importantly and without knowing it, is the client ultimately the cause of this? Is their paying of peanuts, delivering monkeys?
Times and budgets have changed and therefore so has agencies resources. But I've also noticed a perception in some quarters that best of breed appears to have never existed! Surely 95 to 05 wasn't that long ago. Have we lost a lot of the more experienced hands or because of the recession playing towards the smaller players. Am I increasingly dealing with more smaller agencies than I may not have done so 5 years ago? In all honesty I suspect it's a bit of both.
Anyway I've detoured. My point is that the continued reduction in budgets and possible reduction of experienced agencies hands too, has led us to a place where as a senior Art Director. I'm increasingly being asked to Conceptualize, Art Direct, Write, Mac up (full design not just mac scamp as to be honest there isn't really such a thing as a mac scamp) and even Art Work the advertisements I'm charged with rationalizing and creating. If that's the nature of today's budgets then so be it. But there's a price to pay and it's a self fueling circle.
The 'Jack of All' approach only leads to a compromised product. Not necessarily in time spent on the job as I know we work even longer hours than we used to. But in the quality of service the product receives at each of it's departmental stages. And with the competition fighting ever harder for every piece of the pie, crumbs and all. Can you and should you be reducing the resources needed to deliver the best product possible?
There is an up side for us Art Directors. Learning the programs that the Designers use to build the creative we produce and art direct does give you some understanding of specific strengths and weaknesses members of the studio have towards specific design programs. This in turn alloys you the fine turn your best of breed structure within the studio itself.
Best of breed isn't about wasting time and resources with having people kicking their heals because they've done their part of the job and it's now over to someone else. It's about the benefits that the highest possible quality of product and increased effectiveness in results brings to every single job you produce. No matter how big or small. That helps to keep a client, increases the projects they give you and puts you on the radar of other clients too.
I'd say that's the best result all round.
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