It was working for a giant in the electrical goods arena and one with the not so common practice of producing some of it's advertising in house. Although far from all of it. The more informed of you may by now know of whom I'm referring to.
There are the obvious pros and cons for any company producing it's advertising in house. The upside being you can see the client/decision makers a lot quicker and easier than when you're an external agency based somewhere else. Those last minute hurdles and unforeseen problems that need quick answers to get addressed much more quickly. And as deadlines drive everything it's all the better for it I say.
The down side has to be the classic departmental head deciding to pop down to the creative floor because the client/marketing department wants a quick change made immediately. Where as the ad agency/creative not being in the same building would bring an air of 'we'll look at diaries and arrange a meeting as soon as possible' when we aren't very busy with everything else right now.
Plus the big one. The cultural differences. This has got to be much more of a fabulous opportunity than it ever is a recipe for Clash of the Titans. Imagine the strengths that would come from a well synergize meeting of departments. A client that gets to see and therefore understand how an agency reaches it's very best work and by default also what leads to the creation of very poor work. Or am I being the eternal optimist? I like to think not.
What have I learned from it? I know there are many more companies that use this philosophy for a variety of reasons. And for me this was a great opportunity for a great insight into it.
One I'll take forward.
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